I hope you like this web page, and if you do and are in any way impressed I want to point out that I did it with a minimum of complication. It is all written in simple HTML code. There is a fine tutorial on HTML called Crash Course in HTML . And you can make a comparable page to mine just from what you learn there.
I found LView Pro invaluable for producing transparent graphics as well as resizing, manipulating and converting graphics.
As for my editor I used MS Notepad and a few of the graphics were produced using MS PaintBrush. I am not saying these products are the best there is. What I am saying is that you can use any editor or drawing program for these functions. I encourage you not to use those new-fangled HTML editors. Do it yourself from scratch, you will feel more proud of it.
I would like to tell you there is an easy way to find the right graphic, but there isn't. I spent hours searching for just the right one, and often did not find it. I could not list all the graphics sites or the sites which just happen to have good graphics on them (did someone say steal? no, not me) that I visited, because I forgot what they were.
Finally a note on Links. When I could find one I have included links to the official web page of a group. If you want to learn more about anything I mentioned that has no link, I suggest you find a good search engine. The one I use most is Yahoo. If http://www.yahoo.com/ is not already one of your bookmarks, add it now. There are other good search engines but you can find out about the others on Yahoo. So if you found anything interesting here, surf the Web, it's fun.